Tuesday, May 22, 2018

El capitalismo en un callejon sin salida/Capitalism at a Dead End: Destruccion de empleo, sobreproduccion y crisis en la era de la alta tecnologia/. and Crisis in the Age of High Technology descargar PDF Fred Goldstein

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Explaining how the recent U.S. economic crisis, which quickly spread around the world, marked a turning point in the history of capitalism, this book contends that the system will not bounce back and will not return to the normal capitalist boom-and-bust cycle. Using youth unemployment as a key measure of stagnation of a system in decline, as well as Marxist analytical tools, it shows how global capitalism has reached a tipping point. Other featured examples demonstrate how capitalism is not only wrecking the environment, but has outgrown the planet and threatens its very existence, nearing a resurgence of global class struggle at levels not seen since the 1930s."Explicando como la crisis economica americana reciente, la cual se extendio rapidamente por todo el mundo, represento un punto decisivo en la historia del capitalismo, este libro sostiene que el sistema no se recuperara y no regresara al ciclo capitalista normal de auge y contraccion. Usando el desempleo juvenil como una medida clave del estancamiento de un sistema en declive, asi como herramientas analiticas marxistas,.
Descargar El capitalismo en un callejon sin salida/Capitalism at a Dead End: Destruccion de empleo, sobreproduccion y crisis en la era de la alta tecnologia/. and Crisis in the Age of High Technology En Pdf
El capitalismo en un callejon sin salida/Capitalism at a Dead End: Destruccion de empleo, sobreproduccion y crisis en la era de la alta tecnologia/. and Crisis in the Age of High Technology pdf Fred Goldstein
Descargar El capitalismo en un callejon sin salida/Capitalism at a Dead End: Destruccion de empleo, sobreproduccion y crisis en la era de la alta tecnologia/. and Crisis in the Age of High Technology PDF and EPUB

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